What We Do
WSEMS is responsible for:
- Maintaining, supporting, and improving the WSEMS to ensure statewide availability of a high quality system of mediation and facilitation to parents and educators for resolving disputes in special education.
- Coordinating case intake, screening, and referral.
- Explaining the process and benefits of mediation to parties.
- Providing training and technical support for the mediators.
- Modeling collaboration and promoting awareness about the WSEMS and early dispute resolution options.
- Offering training in Wisconsin and nationwide about WSEMS and the stakeholders’ based model, mediation and early conflict resolution for parents, schools and others.
- Developing awareness about mediation, the WSEMS, and early conflict resolution through dissemination of materials in English and Spanish.
- Maintaining this website at: https://wsems.us
- Collecting, evaluating, and disseminating data, including the identifying of trends and the effectiveness of the WSEMS.