How do I prepare for an IEP facilitation?
Bring data, work samples, IEP progress reports, past IEPs showing previous goals, report cards, independent evaluations, or any other material that would be helpful in developing or revising the IEP. If possible, make sure that all participants have seen this information prior to the meeting in order to avoid using time in the facilitation for reading and processing new information.
If this is a review or annual IEP meeting, think about how does the current IEP provide for the child. Have the goals been successfully met? What specific changes are necessary to continue or increase the student’s progress?
If the IEP team anticipates a disagreement, think about how to clearly state the goals and measureable results that are desired for the child by different members of the team.
Be open to new information. Think of the big picture.
In addition, please view the Preparing for Mediation and IEP Facilitation video on our website at in which Nina Meierding, Former Mediation Partner, discusses ways in which planning for your session can make it more productive, positive, and effective.