Christine R. Sannes, Statewide
Name: Christine R. Sannes
Location: Statewide
Education: Ph.D. (educational psychology), Marquette University, M.S.E. (masters in special education), University of Wisconsin; B.S. (elementary education), University of Wisconsin; Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution, Marquette University
Current Position:Excel: Special Education Mediation and Consultation Services
Past Positions:Professor of Special Education, Grand Valley State University, teaching courses in defining special education and making accommodations and modifications, diversity in the classroom, and classroom management; Special Education Teacher, EBD, LD, CD; Areas of Expertise: EBD, LD, CD, Tourette Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Severe Disabilities; Special Education Consultant, Mediator
Mediation Experience:I have mediated cases involving children with a variety of disabilities including Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities, Cognitive Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Tourette Syndrome and OCD. I have also facilitated IEP development.
Perspective on Mediation Process:When individuals enter into mediation, it is because they have few options on which they agree. They are also unable to work together to find alternatives on which they both agree. The mediator’s role is, therefore, to assist the parties in working together to find solutions which are in the best interest of the child and upon which they both agree. The mediator must be able to assist the parties in exploring the problems, finding new alternatives, and building a working relationship.
Disclosure:Christine is a mother of a child with special needs.